Friday, November 29, 2019
Icebreaker Tips for Team Building
Icebreaker Tips for Team BuildingIcebreaker Tips for Team BuildingLooking for a winning kollektiv building icebreaker that you can use for meetings, training classes, team building sessions, and company events and activities? My five of anything icebreaker makes group cohesiveness and cooperation a natural extension of the discussion when you use this team building icebreaker. Icebreakers That Relate to the Sessions Topic You can relate the five items selected to the topic of the session and use the icebreaker to add to the content of the session. For example, in a session about how to run a successful meeting, you might ask the participants to identify the five fruchtwein important factors in making a meeting successful. In a session on employee motivation, you can ask the participants to share the five factors that most motivate them as individuals at work. In a class about how to listen more effectively, you can ask your attendees to identify five bad habits of poor listeners. The only limit to potential five questions is the facilitators imagination. In each of these examples, theicebreakercan serve as the starting point for your discussion. Icebreakers That Are for Fun and Team Building On other occasions, you can use this icebreaker to encourage your participants to have fun and enjoy each other. These are twelve example topics that have been fun for participants in the past. 5 favorite novels5 favorite scary movies5 worst movies that theyve ever seen5 favorite flowers5 favorite vegetables5 favorite dinners5 foods theyd prefer not to eat again5 cities theyd most like to visit5 countries they plan to see5 favorite TV shows of all time5 most disliked tasks to do around the house5 favorite dogs Five of Anything Icebreaker Steps Divide the meeting participants into groups of four or five people by having them number off. (You do this because people generally begin a meeting by sitting with the people they already know best or the people from their own departments.)Tell the newly formed groups that their assignment is to share with the members of their group their five favorite movies of all time, or their five favorite novels or their five least liked films, and so forth as discussed above.The topic can be five of anything - most liked or disliked. This icebreaker helps the group explore shared interests more broadly and sparks a lot of discussion about why each person likes or dislikes their selected five.While I generally recommend icebreakers that are related to the topic of the meeting, five of anything is a quick, fun team building activity that people really enjoy. No one is asked to leave their conversational comfort zone and I have never found a participant unwilling to share the answers to this type of question. You can also use this icebreaker for topical discussion. As another example, in a session on team building, you might ask, What are five dysfunctional behaviors you have experienced when participating on an unsuccessful team? Or, Think about the best team you have ever been on. What are five key and important factors that made it your best or most successful team?Tell the groups that one person must take notes and be ready to share the highlights of their group discussion with the whole group upon completion of the assignment. Debrief the team building icebreaker by asking for a volunteer to read their list of five of anything. Or ask the volunteer to list any movies, for example, that more than one person had in common and shared as their favorite. Then, ask each group to share their whole list with the whole group.Because people are almost always your best source of laughter and fun, the reading of the lists generates a lot of laughter and discussion. You can also catch the drift of the conversation in the small groups based on the transitions made from item to item. When the volunteer from each group is finished, ask the rest of the participants if they have anything theyd like to a dd to the discussion before moving on with the rest of the session. This team building icebreaker takes 10 15 minutes, depending on the number of groups that need to report their discussion.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Things You Should Do After a Job Interview
Things You Should Do After a Job InterviewThings You Should Do After a Job InterviewIf you think you nailed that interview or the recruiter said, keep in touch, dont just sit and wait for the phone to ring with a job offer. Instead, be proactive. There are things you should do after a job interview that can increase the odds of getting asecond interviewor landing ajob offer. Do an Interview Assessment Immediately after completing aninterview, write up a summary of the questions you were asked along with your answers. This will preserve a record of your responses for future reference if you secure a follow-up interview. Also, musiknote anything you wish you had said to your interviewer but didnt get the opportunity. That way, if you get a second interview, you can make a note to mention these items. A thorough interview assessment will also provide you with details to address in your follow-up communications. In addition, youll be able to identify any problem areas in your present ation, so you can improve them and be even more prepared for future interviews. Document Contact Information and Next Steps At the conclusion of the interview, ask about the process moving forward. Will the interviewer be contacting candidates in a week for a second interview? Making a decision in ten days? Do they notify everyone who applied or just the successful candidates? Knowing what to expect will you can determine when to follow up and can reduce any anxiety you might feel about the whole interview and hiring process. Keep track of everyone you talked to during this process. If you were interviewed by multiple people, record any useful information or particular concerns raised by each rolle. Make a note of the interviewers names and contact information or later ask the person who coordinated the interview for those details. Getting the names of everyone involved in your interview is crucial because youll want to follow up with athank you for the interview note. A well-wr itten thank you note helps make a great impression on your potential employers. Follow Up With the Hiring Manager Decisions about candidates are often made quickly, so its important to send yourfollow-up emailimmediately,the same day if possible.You want your interviewers to remember you and these follow-ups can make a good impression. The follow-up email doesnt have to be long. Keep it succinct, thank the interviewer for the taking the time to speak with you, and mention these elements in your communication An assertion that you believe the lokalitt is an excellent fit and that you would welcome the opportunity to join their organization. Include a brief summary of one or two sentences indicating why the position is an excellent match given your assets and interests.Supply any additional information that will address areas of concern that you were unable to fully address during the interview. For example, you might want to include a work sample demonstrating your competence in a key area of employer concern. Express your appreciation for the opportunity to meet, and if possible, compose slightly different personalized emails for each person rather than just copy/pasting the whole letter. Note something helpful that was shared with you by each individual. This is a nice touch you definitely want to leave a good impression on all parties involved and be memorable. In addition, consider forwarding a separate communication expressing your gratitude to any helpful support staff people you met. Those staffers have more influence than you might think when it comes to hiring decisions. You want as many people on your side as possible. Connect With Your Interviewer Online Its a good idea to think beyond the current position for which youve just interview because youre potentially creating a long-term relationship with this interviewer, even if you dont secure the immediate job opening. Review your post-interview notes and connect with your interviewer through LinkedIn by findingan opening for a connection based on adiscussion that arose during your interview. Perhaps you mentioned a newspaper article relevant to their geschftliches miteinander that youd like to forward, for instance. These connections are important because if you dont get the current position, something might pop up later and the interviewer might make a connection with you. Notify Your References Having suitable references are going to be essential for your job search and you dont want them to feel like theyre being cold-called by your potential employer. So, if you havent already, alert your references that they might receive a call or email and summarize your case for the job and add in any points you want them to stress in their recommendation. In addition, If any of your strongest supporters have a contact within your prospective company, considerexploring their willingness to make an unsolicited endorsementon your behalf. People usually like to be helpful, but dont forget to show appreciation for their endorsement with a follow-up thank you letter or email. In fact, sending a thank you note to all your references may be a good idea. 130 Watch Now 7 Things to Do Right After Your Interview
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Video How to Find a Job in a Tough Economy
Video How to Find a Job in a Tough EconomyVideo How to Find a Job in a Tough EconomyWith the unemployment rate still hovering above nine percent, its hard to tell where the economy and the job market are going. If you are unemployed or considering a career change, this video is a great overview of how to deal with your unique situation, and tips for figuring out what to do next.Finding a job in a tough economyOne of the biggest lessons of the video is the power of reframing your situation when trying to find a job in a tough economy. Instead of constantly thinking about being unemployed, or disliking your current job but feeling stuck, look at your situation in from a different angle, and understand that there are no quick fixes or simple solutions in a job search. The mora time, energy, thoughtfulness, and positivity you put into your search for a new job, the more successful you will be.Heres our favorite quote from the video If youre in a job that you really havent loved for a lon g time and youve been let go, its actually an opportunity. Its a new-found freedom to focus on something that makes you passionate. Something that perhaps youve always wanted to do.Now that youve watched the video, if youre ready to find a job that fits your values, interests, personality, and skills, check out the latesttelecommuting, part-time, flexible, and freelance job listingsat .
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